
Sunday, August 15, 2010

Avast! A Scurrrrvy Four Player Game

Apologies for the terrible post title. Got the chance to play a game two nights ago after a very long hiatus. It was RT, LT, MH and myself. I had just downloaded the "Randominion" app for my Android phone. I'm not sure the app does anything intelligent, like finding good combos, but here's the cards we ended up with:

Pearl Diver
Native Village
Pirate Ship
Throne Room

I'll post what each card in Dominion does on this blog eventually, but for now the only card you really need to know for this post is Pirate Ship, which essentially reads: "Either: Attack your opponents, making them discard the top two cards of their deck. If anyone reveals a treasure, you can choose to make them trash it, and if you made anyone trash a card, gain a treasure coin. OR +X treasure where X is the number of treasure coins you have."

Sound confusing? Well it is! And also very, very fun. Our game quickly started off with each of us going for Pirate Ships. As soon as we drew them back into our hands, we started the attacking, which meant that we were trashing the copper in our decks quickly.

LT, RT and MH each ended up with four treasure coins, but I got unlucky with my opponents not discarding treasure cards, and thus my Pirate Ships not getting any treasure coins.

Once my three opponents had four treasure coins, it was only a matter of who was the fastest to play two Pirate Ships per turn to get 8 treasure and buy Provinces. RT used Village to play two Pirate Ships, while LT and MH used Throne Room to play Pirate Ship twice. I was left behind in the dust (or whatever wake a Pirate Ship leaves behind). The final scores were:

LT: 37
RT: 32
MH: 24
Me: 13