I was introducing Dominion to a friend, DT, with my other friend, DH, Because we were teaching DT how to play, we stuck with just the base set. We played a quick round with the suggested starting cards, and then chose a new set, removing all attacks and Moat to ensure the game was finished quickly. We ended up with:
Throne Room
As usual, I decided that card advantage was the most important thing and had an aggressive strategy of purchasing Laboratorys. In order to help me get there, I also went for Moneylenders.
The game did move fast, and with the discard of Coppers to Moneylender, I kept my deck pretty thin. I also began purchasing gold as I was able to get up to 6 or 7 treasure per turn.
Within 10 turns, my deck had 5 gold and 5 Laboratorys in it, and every turn I was either buying more gold, or a Province.
I purchased the last Province to end the game and had 5, DH had 4 and DT had 3. It was a fun, fast game, and I'm going to keep sticking with my card advantage cards!